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Online International Journal, Peer Reviewed Scholarly Journals

IJSER is an open access international journal or a large number of high quality and peer reviewed research publishing in all the fields of science, engineering and technology.


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Homepage - International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

The International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) is having ISSN 2249-8958 (online), bi-monthly international journal, being published in the months of February, April, June, August, October and December by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) Bhopal (M.P.), India since year 2011.The International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) is online, open access, peer reviewed, periodical international journal. The aims of the journal is to publish original, theoretical and practical advances in Engineering and Technology that covers Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and all interdisciplinary streams of Engineering and Technology. All submitted articles will be reviewed by the board of new editors of International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT). Author(s) can submit article, round the year, electronically by using Article Submission System. The submitted article should be original, scientific, cutting edge, high quality, result oriented and within the scope of the journal that will publish in upcoming volume / issue if accepted. Author (s) will get notification along with review report if article will accept by the reviewers. The primary goal of the new editors is to maintain high quality of publications. There will be a commitment to expediting the time taken for the publication of the article(s). The articles that are sent for reviews will have names of the authors deleted with a view towards enhancing the objectivity and fairness of the review process. Articles that are devoted to the purely mathematical aspects without a discussion of the physical implications of the results or the consideration of specific examples are discouraged. Articles concerning Engineering and Technology should not be limited merely to a description and recording of observations but should contain theoretical and quantitative discussion of the results. Article (s) for the regular issue can be submitted, round the year, electronically by using Article Submission System. After the final acceptance of the article, based upon the detailed review process and submission of required documents, the article will publish online immediately. However, the assignment of the article of specific Volume / Issue (see archive) will be taken up by the new editors later; and the author will be intimated accordingly. For Theme Based Special Issues, time bound special call for articles will be announced and the same will be applicable for that specific issue only. #Smart Computing and Information Processing #Signal and Speech Processing #Image Processing and Pattern Recognition #WSN#Artificial Intelligence and machine learning #Data mining and warehousing #Data Analytics #Deep learning #Bioinformatics #High Performance computing #Advanced Computer Networking #Cloud Computing #IoT #Parallel Computing on GPU #Human Computer Interactions #Recent Trends in Microelectronics and VLSI Design #Process & Device Technologies #Low-power design #Nanometer-scale integrated circuits #Application specific ICs (ASICs) #FPGAs #Nanotechnology #Nano electronics and Quantum Computing #3. Challenges of Industry and their Solutions, Communications #Advanced Manufacturing Technologies #Artificial Intelligence #Autonomous Robots #Augmented Reality #Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence #Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) #Digital Clone or Simulation #Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) #Manufacturing IoT #Plant Cyber Security #Smart Solutions – Wearable Sensors and Smart Glasses #System Integration #Small Batch Manufacturing #Visual Analytics #Virtual Reality #3D Printing # Internet of Things (IoT) #Internet of Things (IoT) & IoE & Edge Computing #Distributed Mobile Applications Utilizing IoT#Security, Privacy and Trust in IoT & IoE #Standards for IoT Applications #Ubiquitous Computing #Block Chain-enabled IoT Device and Data Security and Privacy #Application of WSN in IoT #Cloud Resources Utilization in IoT #Wireless Access Technologies for IoT #Mobile Applications and Services for IoT #Machine/ Deep Learning with IoT & IoE #Smart Sensors and Internet of Things for Smart City #Logic, Functional programming and Microcontrollers for IoT #Sensor Networks, Actuators for Internet of Things #Data Visualization using IoT #IoT Application and Communication Protocol #Big Data Analytics for Social Networking using IoT #IoT Applications for Smart Cities #Emulation and Simulation Methodologies for IoT #IoT Applied for Digital Contents #Microwaves and Photonics #Microwave filter #Micro Strip antenna #Microwave Link design #Microwave oscillator #Frequency selective surface #Microwave Antenna #Microwave Photonics #Radio over Fibre #Optical Communication, #Optical Oscillator #Optical Link Design #Optical Phase Lock Loop #Optical Devices #Computation Intelligence and Analytics #Soft Computing #Advance Ubiquitous Computing #Parallel Computing #Distributed Computing #Machine Learning #Information Retrieval #Expert Systems #Data Mining #Text Mining #Data Warehousing #Predictive Analysis #Data Management #Big Data Analytics #Big Data Security #Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transmission #Energy Harvesting and Transfer for Wireless Sensor Networks #Economics of Energy Harvesting Communications #Waveform Optimization for Wireless Power Transfer #RF Energy Harvesting #Wireless Power Transmission #Microstrip Antenna Design and Application #Wearable Textile Antenna #Luminescence #Rectenna #Advance Concept of Networking and Database #Computer Network #Mobile Adhoc Network #Image Security #Application Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the Field of Network and Database #Data Analytic #High Performance Computing #Pattern Recognition #Machine Learning (ML) and Knowledge Mining (KM) #Regression and Prediction #Problem Solving and Planning #Clustering #Classification #Neural Information Processing #Vision and Speech Perception #Heterogeneous and Streaming Data #Natural Language Processing #Probabilistic Models and Methods #Reasoning and inference #Marketing and Social Sciences #Data Mining #Knowledge Discovery #Web Mining #Information Retrieval #Design and Diagnosis #Game Playing #Streaming Data #Music Modelling and Analysis #Robotics and Control #Multi-Agent Systems #Bioinformatics #Social Sciences #Industrial Financial and Scientific Applications of All Kind #Advanced Computer Networking Computational Intelligence #Data Management, Exploration, and Mining #Robotics #Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning #Computer Architecture and VLSI #Computer Graphics, Simulation, and Modelling #Digital System and Logic Design #Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation #Parallel and Distributed Algorithms #Pattern Recognition and Analysis #Systems and Software Engineering #Nature Inspired Computing #Signal and Image Processing #Reconfigurable Computing #Cloud, Cluster, Grid and P2P Computing #Biomedical Computing #Advanced Bioinformatics #Green Computing #Mobile Computing #Nano Ubiquitous Computing #Context Awareness and Personalization, Autonomic and Trusted Computing #Cryptography and Applied Mathematics #Security, Trust and Privacy #Digital Rights Management #Networked-Driven Multicourse Chips #Internet Computing #Agricultural Informatics and Communication #Community Information Systems #Computational Economics, Digital Photogrammetric #Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS #Disaster Management #e-governance, e-Commerce, e-business, e-Learning #Forest Genomics and Informatics #Healthcare Informatics #Information Ecology and Knowledge Management #Irrigation Informatics #Neuro-Informatics #Open Source: Challenges and opportunities #Web-Based Learning: Innovation and Challenges #Soft computing Signal and Speech Processing #Natural Language Processing #Communications #Microstrip Antenna #Microwave #Radar and Satellite #Smart Antenna #MIMO Antenna #Wireless Communication #RFID Network and Applications #5G Communication #6G Communication #Algorithms and Complexity #Sequential, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and Data Structures #Approximation and Randomized Algorithms #Graph Algorithms and Graph Drawing #On-Line and Streaming Algorithms #Analysis of Algorithms and Computational Complexity #Algorithm Engineering #Web Algorithms #Exact and Parameterized Computation #Algorithmic Game Theory #Computational Biology #Foundations of Communication Networks #Computational Geometry #Discrete Optimization #Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering #Software Engineering Methodologies #Agent-Based Software Engineering #Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Software Engineering #Component-Based Software Engineering #Embedded and Ubiquitous Software Engineering #Aspect-Based Software Engineering #Empirical Software Engineering #Search-Based Software Engineering #Automated Software Design and Synthesis #Computer-Supported Cooperative Work #Automated Software Specification #Reverse Engineering #Software Engineering Techniques and Production Perspectives #Requirements Engineering #Software Analysis, Design and Modelling #Software Maintenance and Evolution #Software Engineering Tools and Environments #Software Engineering Decision Support #Software Design Patterns #Software Product Lines #Process and Workflow Management #Reflection and Metadata Approaches #Program Understanding and System Maintenance #Software Domain Modelling and Analysis #Software Economics #Multimedia and Hypermedia Software Engineering #Software Engineering Case Study and Experience Reports #Enterprise Software, Middleware, and Tools #Artificial Intelligent Methods, Models, Techniques #Artificial Life and Societies #Swarm Intelligence #Smart Spaces #Autonomic Computing and Agent-Based Systems #Autonomic Computing #Adaptive Systems #Agent Architectures, Ontologies, Languages and Protocols #Multi-Agent Systems #Agent-Based Learning and Knowledge Discovery #Interface Agents #Agent-Based Auctions and Marketplaces #Secure Mobile and Multi-Agent Systems #Mobile Agents #SOA and Service-Oriented Systems #Service-Centric Software Engineering #Service Oriented Requirements Engineering #Service Oriented Architectures #Middleware for Service Based Systems #Service Discovery and Composition #Service Level Agreements (Drafting, Negotiation, Monitoring and Management) #Runtime Service Management #Semantic Web #Data Modelling, Mining and Data Analytics #Aggregation, Integration, and Transformation #Web and Text Mining #Data Mining Methods, Techniques, and Tools #Data Analytics Modelling and Algorithms #Patterns and Frameworks #Data Visualization #Knowledge Systems and Engineering #Knowledge Acquisition #Knowledge-Based and Expert Systems #Knowledge Representation and Retrievals #Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques #Time and Knowledge Management Tools #Knowledge Modelling, Integration, Transformation, and Management, #Uncertainty Knowledge Management #Knowledge Visualization #Mobile Computing and Mobile System Engineering #Mobile App Design and Development #Innovative Mobile Applications #Pervasive Computing #Mobile System Validation and Test Automation #Software & System Quality of Service #Soft Computing #Software and System Testing Methods #Quality Assurance Process, Standards, and Systems #Software Safety Systems #Software Test Automation and Tools #Software Dependability, Reliability, Scalability #Software & System Security #Software and System Security and Privacy #Mobile App Security and Privacy #Encryption Methods and Tools #Security Service Systems #Cloud, Sensor Cloud and Mobile Cloud Security #Mobile System Integrity, Security and Fault Tolerance #Emergent Topics #Cloud Computing and Innovative Cloud-Based Application Systems #Mobile Cloud Computing and Application Services #Big Data Analytics Application Systems #Innovative Sensing Cloud and Systems #Large-Scale Cyber Systems #IoT and Smart City Application Systems #Big Data Quality Validation #Big Data Application Quality Services #Smart Learning and Innovative Education Systems #Learning Software Design Engineering #Smart Learning Methods and Environments #Online Learning Systems #Mobile Enabled Learning Systems and Tools #Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies #Addressing & Location Management #Broadband Access Technologies #Adhoc and Sensor Networks #Cross Layer Design and Optimization #Heterogeneous Wireless Networks #High Speed Networks #Internet and Web Applications #Measurement & Performance Analysis #Mobile & Broadband Wireless Internet #Mobile Networks & Wireless LAN #Network Architectures #Network Based Applications #Network Protocols & Wireless Networks #Network Operations & Management #Network Security Trust, & Privacy #Next Generation Internet & Web Architectures #Peer to Peer and Overlay Networks #QOS And Resource Management #Recent Trends & Developments in Computer Networks #Routing, Switching and Addressing Techniques #Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems #Ubiquitous Networks #Virtual & Overlay Networks #Wireless Communications #Wireless Mesh Networks and Protocols #Wireless Multimedia Systems #Personal and Wearable Networks #Wireless ad hoc & Sensor Networks #Information-Centric Networking #Embedded Networks #Opportunistic Networking #Delay-Tolerant Networks #Cognitive Radio Networks #Vehicular Networks #Smart Grid Communications #Underwater Sensor Networks #Cyber-Physical Systems #Social Networks #Mobile and Ubiquitous Networking #Green Networking #Overlay and Peer-to-Peer Networks #Local-Area and Metropolitan-Area Networks #Storage-Area Networks #Routing and Transport Protocols #Big Data Networking #Cloud Computing and Networking #Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization #Internet of Things #Link Technologies #Adaptive Networking Applications #Authentication, Authorization, Accounting #Security and Privacy #Cross-Layer Optimization #Mobility and Location-Dependent Services #Multimedia and Real-Time Communication #Machine-to-Machine Communications for Smart Environments #Smart Cities #Network Traffic Characterization and Measurements #Network Management, Reliability and QoS #Performance Evaluation of Networks #Testbeds for Network Experiments #Network Coding #Optical and High-Speed Access Networks #Resent Engineering and Nano Technology #Advanced Computing Architectures and New Programming Models #Bio-Science and Bio-Technology #Collaborative Applications #Communication Architectures for Pervasive Computing #Computer Vision #Computer Science and Its Applications #Computational Techniques in Civil Engineering #Control and Automation #Concrete Engineering #CAD/CAM/CIM #CAE #Database Theory and Application #Data Base Management System #Data Mining #Decision Making #Digital Signal Processing Theory #Distributed Sensor Networks #Distributed Computing #Mechanical Design #Evolutionary Computing and Intelligent Systems #Expert Approaches #Environmental Engineering #Fuzzy logics #Foundation Engineering #FEA #GPS and Location-Based Applications #Grid Networking/ Computing #GEOTECH Engineering #Highways #Human Computer Interaction (HCI) #Image Analysis and Processing #Information and Data Security #Internet Technologies, Infrastructure, Services & Applications #Nano Technology #Mobile Computing and Applications #Multimedia Communications #Network Modelling and Simulation #Network Performance, Protocols, Sensors #Networking Theory and Technologies #Open Models and Architectures #Pattern Recognition #Perception and Semantic Interpretation #Production #Real-Time Information Systems #Remote Sensing #Security Technology and Information Assurance #Soft Computing #Software Engineering & Its Applications #Signal Control System & Processing #Speech Interface, Speech processing #Structural Engineering #Thermal Engineering #Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing #Vision-Based Applications #VLSI Algorithms #Web Technologies #Textile Engineering #Recent on Mechanical Engineering and Technology #Fluid Mechanics #Applied Mathematics and Mechanics #Biomechanics #Heat Transfer #Solid Mechanics #Refrigeration and Air Conditioning #Renewable Energy Technology #Materials Engineering #Composite Materials #Marine Engineering #Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering #Textile Engineering #Industrial Engineering #Operational Research #Manufacturing Processes #Machine Design #Quality Control #Mechanical Maintenance #Tribology #CAD/CAM #Aeronautical Engineering #Production Engineering #Welding Technology #Robotics Engineering #Aerospace Engineering #Metallurgy #Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences #Solid and Structural Mechanics #Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics #Advance Civil Engineering and Technology #Assemblage and System #Behaviour of Structures #Behaviour of Structures under Seismic Loads #Building and Environmental Acoustics #Building Climate Systems #Building Energy #Civil and Environmental Engineering #Coastal Engineering #Composite Materials #Concrete Structures #Construction Economics #Construction Engineering #Design and Performance of Green Building #Design Optimization of Structures #Earthquake Engineering #Energy Efficient Building Technology #Energy Saving Building Materials #Evaluation of Building Envelope Systems under Structural and Environmental Loads #Evaluation of Glazing Systems for Energy Performance #Fire Engineering #Foundations Dynamics #Geotechnical Engineering #Health Monitoring and Life Prediction of Structures #High Performance Concrete #Hydraulic Engineering #Life Cycle Engineering #Materials and Durability #Materials Engineering #Mechanics and Materials Aspects of Advanced Construction Materials #Municipal or Urban Engineering #Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation #Numerical Modelling of Structures #Optimal Design of Structures #Properties and Mechanics of Concrete #Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Public Works #Seismic Evaluation of Building Nonstructural Components #Simulation Optimization and Risk Management #Soil-Structure Interaction #Structural Engineering #Structural Evaluation of Panelized and Masonry Wall Systems #Structural Reliability Analysis #Surveying #Sustainable Structures #Transportation Engineering #Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality #Water Supply and Drainage #PhD ademic #Scopus #SCI #LatticeScience #Springer, #ScienceDirect #IEEE #Mendeley #Research #Scholarship #UGC #SSRN #ESCI #Science #Journal #Conference #SSRN #PubLons #PhD #Academic #Scopus #SCI #LatticeScience #Springer, #ScienceDirect #IEEE #Mendeley #Research #Scholarship #UGC #SSRN #LatticeScience #ESCI #Science #Journal #Conference #SSRN #PubLons


International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science

IJECS is a leading international journals for publication of new ideas, the state of the art research results and fundamental advances in all aspects of computer science and engineering. IJECS is a scholarly open access, peer reviewed international journal with a primary objective to provide the academic community and industry for the submission of half of original research and applications related to Computer Science and Engineering


Peer Reviewed Journals, Open access Journals: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR)

International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) is an open access, peer-reviewed, International Journal, that provides rapid publication (monthly) of research articles, review articles and short communications in all subjects. IJAR has got Impact factor of 6.118 and highest Index Copernicus value of 56.43.


Research and Reviews - International Journals

Research & Reviews is a scientific organization that drives the progress of research through open access journals


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Indian Journal of Science and Technology is an open-access journal publishing full-length research papers and review articles covering subjects that fall under the wide spectrum of science and technology.


The Science and Information (SAI) Organization

The Science and Information (SAI) Organization is connecting global research community through journals, conferences and technical activities.


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SSRG International Journals, Engineering, Science, Technology, Medicine, Seventh Sense Research Group

Scopus Indexed Journal, International Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, Social Science & Humanities Journals, open access journals, Peer Reviewed Engineering Journals, High impact Factor Journals, Fast & Easy Publication Journal, UGC approved Journal, Scopus Indexed Journal, Top engineering journal, Seventh Sense Research Group, SSRG.


International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science

  Welcome to IJARCS (Bimonthly, Open Access, Peer Reviewed Journal of Computer Science); The biggest publication platform for the past 12 years, for the researchers and students of computer science and engineering across the world. It indexed with Google Scholar, EBSCO HOST & Crossref (DOI) (DOI prefix: 10.26483). We are thankful...


NIT Rourkela

NIT Rourkela, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, NITRKL, Rourkela


Atlantis Press | Atlantis Press Open Access Publisher Scientific Technical Medical Proceedings Journals Books

Atlantis Press Open Access Publisher Scientific Technical Medical Proceedings Journals Books


AIRCC Publishing Corporation

AIRCC Publishing Corporation is an emerging peer-reviewed, academic publisher which strictly focuses in all areas of Computer Science and Engineering. We have stepped ahead from being a non-profit organization promoting Science and Engineering research worldwide without any discrimination to a publishing corporation. Our mission is to disseminate novel scientific and technical information to the academic and industry research & development departments solely in the fields of Computer Science and Information Technology.



IJCSIT Home About IJCSIT Editorial Board Author Instructions Manuscript Submission Call for Paper > Current Issue Current Issue Issues > Volume 1 > Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Issue 5 Volume 2 > Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 Issue 5 Issue 6 Volume 3 > Issue 1 Issue 2...


SCIRP Open Access

Scientific Research Publishing is an academic publisher with more than 200 open access journal in the areas of science, technology and medicine. It also publishes academic books and conference proceedings.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology


MATEC Web of Conferences

MATEC Web of Conferences, open access proceedings in Materials science, Engineering and Chemistry


Home - International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

The International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) is having ISSN 2278-3075 (online), monthly international journal, being published in the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) Bhopal (M.P.), India since year 2012.The International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) is online, open access, peer reviewed, periodical international journal. The aims of the journal is to publish original, theoretical and practical advances in Engineering and Technology that covers Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and all interdisciplinary streams of Engineering and Technology. All submitted articles will be reviewed by the board of new editors of International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). Author (s) can submit article, round the year, electronically by using Article Submission System. The submitted article should be original, scientific, cutting edge, high quality, result oriented and within the scope of the journal that will publish in upcoming volume / issue if accepted. Author (s) will get notification along with review report if article will accept by the reviewers. The primary goal of the new editors is to maintain high quality of publications. There will be a commitment to expediting the time taken for the publication of the article(s). The articles that are sent for reviews will have names of the authors deleted with a view towards enhancing the objectivity and fairness of the review process. Articles that are devoted to the purely mathematical aspects without a discussion of the physical implications of the results or the consideration of specific examples are discouraged. Articles concerning Engineering and Technology should not be limited merely to a description and recording of observations but should contain theoretical and quantitative discussion of the results. Article (s) for the regular issue can be submitted, round the year, electronically by using Article Submission System. After the final acceptance of the article, based upon the detailed review process and submission of required documents, the article will publish online immediately. However, The assignment of the article of specific Volume / Issue (see archive) will be taken up by the new editors later; and the author will be intimated accordingly. For Theme Based Special Issues, time bound special call for articles will be announced and the same will be applicable for that specific issue only. #Smart Computing and Information Processing #Signal and Speech Processing #Image Processing and Pattern Recognition #WSN#Artificial Intelligence and machine learning #Data mining and warehousing #Data Analytics #Deep learning #Bioinformatics #High Performance computing #Advanced Computer Networking #Cloud Computing #IoT #Parallel Computing on GPU #Human Computer Interactions #Recent Trends in Microelectronics and VLSI Design #Process & Device Technologies #Low-Power Design #Nanometer-Scale Integrated Circuits #Application specific ICs (ASICs) #FPGAs #Nanotechnology #Nano Electronics and Quantum Computing #3. Challenges of Industry and their Solutions, Communications #Advanced Manufacturing Technologies #Artificial Intelligence #Autonomous Robots #Augmented Reality #Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence #Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) #Digital Clone or Simulation #Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) #Manufacturing IoT #Plant Cyber Security #Smart Solutions – Wearable Sensors and Smart Glasses #System Integration #Small Batch Manufacturing #Visual Analytics #Virtual Reality #3D Printing # Internet of Things (IoT) #Internet of Things (IoT) & IoE & Edge Computing #Distributed Mobile Applications Utilizing IoT #Security, Privacy and Trust in IoT & IoE #Standards for IoT Applications #Ubiquitous Computing #Block Chain-enabled IoT Device and Data Security and Privacy #Application of WSN in IoT #Cloud Resources Utilization in IoT #Wireless Access Technologies for IoT #Mobile Applications and Services for IoT #Machine/ Deep Learning with IoT & IoE #Smart Sensors and Internet of Things for Smart City #Logic, Functional programming and Microcontrollers for IoT #Sensor Networks, Actuators for Internet of Things #Data Visualization using IoT #IoT Application and Communication Protocol #Big Data Analytics for Social Networking using IoT #IoT Applications for Smart Cities #Emulation and Simulation Methodologies for IoT #IoT Applied for Digital Contents #Microwaves and Photonics #Microwave filter #Micro Strip antenna #Microwave Link design #Microwave oscillator #Frequency selective surface #Microwave Antenna #Microwave Photonics #Radio over Fibre #Optical Communication, #Optical Oscillator #Optical Link Design #Optical Phase Lock Loop #Optical Devices #Computation Intelligence and Analytics #Soft Computing #Advance Ubiquitous Computing #Parallel Computing #Distributed Computing #Machine Learning #Information Retrieval #Expert Systems #Data Mining #Text Mining #Data Warehousing #Predictive Analysis #Data Management #Big Data Analytics #Big Data Security #Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transmission #Energy Harvesting and Transfer for Wireless Sensor Networks #Economics of Energy Harvesting Communications #Waveform Optimization for Wireless Power Transfer #RF Energy Harvesting #Wireless Power Transmission #Microstrip Antenna Design and Application #Wearable Textile Antenna #Luminescence #Rectenna #Advance Concept of Networking and Database #Computer Network #Mobile Adhoc Network #Image Security #Application Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the Field of Network and Database #Data Analytic #High Performance Computing #Pattern Recognition #Machine Learning (ML) and Knowledge Mining (KM) #Regression and Prediction #Problem Solving and Planning #Clustering #Classification #Neural Information Processing #Vision and Speech Perception #Heterogeneous and Streaming Data #Natural Language Processing #Probabilistic Models and Methods #Reasoning and inference #Marketing and Social Sciences #Data Mining #Knowledge Discovery #Web Mining #Information Retrieval #Design and Diagnosis #Game Playing #Streaming Data #Music Modelling and Analysis #Robotics and Control #Multi-Agent Systems #Bioinformatics #Social Sciences #Industrial Financial and Scientific Applications of All Kind #Advanced Computer Networking Computational Intelligence #Data Management, Exploration, and Mining #Robotics #Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning #Computer Architecture and VLSI #Computer Graphics, Simulation, and Modelling #Digital System and Logic Design #Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation #Parallel and Distributed Algorithms #Pattern Recognition and Analysis #Systems and Software Engineering #Nature Inspired Computing #Signal and Image Processing #Reconfigurable Computing #Cloud, Cluster, Grid and P2P Computing #Biomedical Computing #Advanced Bioinformatics #Green Computing #Mobile Computing #Nano Ubiquitous Computing #Context Awareness and Personalization, Autonomic and Trusted Computing #Cryptography and Applied Mathematics #Security, Trust and Privacy #Digital Rights Management #Networked-Driven Multicourse Chips #Internet Computing #Agricultural Informatics and Communication #Community Information Systems #Computational Economics, Digital Photogrammetric #Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS #Disaster Management #e-governance, e-Commerce, e-business, e-Learning #Forest Genomics and Informatics #Healthcare Informatics #Information Ecology and Knowledge Management #Irrigation Informatics #Neuro-Informatics #Open Source: Challenges and opportunities #Web-Based Learning: Innovation and Challenges #Soft computing Signal and Speech Processing #Natural Language Processing #Communications #Microstrip Antenna #Microwave #Radar and Satellite #Smart Antenna #MIMO Antenna #Wireless Communication #RFID Network and Applications #5G Communication #6G Communication #Algorithms and Complexity #Sequential, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and Data Structures #Approximation and Randomized Algorithms #Graph Algorithms and Graph Drawing #On-Line and Streaming Algorithms #Analysis of Algorithms and Computational Complexity #Algorithm Engineering #Web Algorithms #Exact and Parameterized Computation #Algorithmic Game Theory #Computational Biology #Foundations of Communication Networks #Computational Geometry #Discrete Optimization #Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering #Software Engineering Methodologies #Agent-Based Software Engineering #Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Software Engineering #Component-Based Software Engineering #Embedded and Ubiquitous Software Engineering #Aspect-Based Software Engineering #Empirical Software Engineering #Search-Based Software Engineering #Automated Software Design and Synthesis #Computer-Supported Cooperative Work #Automated Software Specification #Reverse Engineering #Software Engineering Techniques and Production Perspectives #Requirements Engineering #Software Analysis, Design and Modelling #Software Maintenance and Evolution #Software Engineering Tools and 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Architectures #Middleware for Service Based Systems #Service Discovery and Composition #Service Level Agreements (Drafting, Negotiation, Monitoring and Management) #Runtime Service Management #Semantic Web #Data Modelling, Mining and Data Analytics #Aggregation, Integration, and Transformation #Web and Text Mining #Data Mining Methods, Techniques, and Tools #Data Analytics Modelling and Algorithms #Patterns and Frameworks #Data Visualization #Knowledge Systems and Engineering #Knowledge Acquisition #Knowledge-Based and Expert Systems #Knowledge Representation and Retrievals #Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques #Time and Knowledge Management Tools #Knowledge Modelling, Integration, Transformation, and Management, #Uncertainty Knowledge Management #Knowledge Visualization #Mobile Computing and Mobile System Engineering #Mobile App Design and Development #Innovative Mobile Applications #Pervasive Computing #Mobile System Validation and Test Automation #Software & System Quality of Service #Soft Computing #Software and System Testing Methods#Quality Assurance Process, Standards, and Systems #Software Safety Systems #Software Test Automation and Tools #Software Dependability, Reliability, Scalability #Software & System Security #Software and System Security and Privacy #Mobile App Security and Privacy #Encryption Methods and Tools #Security Service Systems #Cloud, Sensor Cloud and Mobile Cloud Security#Mobile System Integrity, Security and Fault Tolerance #Emergent Topics #Cloud Computing and Innovative Cloud-Based Application Systems #Mobile Cloud Computing and Application Services #Big Data Analytics Application Systems #Innovative Sensing Cloud and Systems #Large-Scale Cyber Systems #IoT and Smart City Application Systems #Big Data Quality Validation #Big Data Application Quality Services #Smart Learning and Innovative Education Systems #Learning Software Design Engineering #Smart Learning Methods and Environments #Online Learning Systems #Mobile Enabled Learning Systems and Tools #Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies #Addressing & Location Management #Broadband Access Technologies #Adhoc and Sensor Networks #Cross Layer Design and Optimization #Heterogeneous Wireless Networks #High Speed Networks #Internet and Web Applications #Measurement & Performance Analysis #Mobile & Broadband Wireless Internet #Mobile Networks & Wireless LAN #Network Architectures #Network Based Applications #Network Protocols & Wireless Networks #Network Operations & Management #Network Security Trust, & Privacy #Next Generation Internet & Web Architectures #Peer to Peer and Overlay Networks #QOS And Resource Management #Recent Trends & Developments in Computer Networks #Routing, Switching and Addressing Techniques #Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems #Ubiquitous Networks #Virtual & Overlay Networks #Wireless Communications #Wireless Mesh Networks and Protocols #Wireless Multimedia Systems #Personal and Wearable Networks #Wireless ad hoc & Sensor Networks #Information-Centric Networking #Embedded Networks #Opportunistic Networking #Delay-Tolerant Networks #Cognitive Radio Networks #Vehicular Networks #Smart Grid Communications #Underwater Sensor Networks #Cyber-Physical Systems #Social Networks #Mobile and Ubiquitous Networking #Green Networking #Overlay and Peer-to-Peer Networks #Local-Area and Metropolitan-Area Networks #Storage-Area Networks #Routing and Transport Protocols #Big Data Networking #Cloud Computing and Networking #Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization #Internet of Things #Link Technologies #Adaptive Networking Applications #Authentication, Authorization, Accounting #Security and Privacy #Cross-Layer Optimization #Mobility and Location-Dependent Services #Multimedia and Real-Time Communication #Machine-to-Machine Communications for Smart Environments #Smart Cities #Network Traffic Characterization and Measurements #Network Management, Reliability and QoS #Performance Evaluation of Networks #Testbeds for Network Experiments #Network Coding #Optical and High-Speed Access Networks #Resent Engineering and Nano Technology #Advanced Computing Architectures and New Programming Models #Bio-Science and Bio-Technology #Collaborative Applications #Communication Architectures for Pervasive Computing #Computer Vision #Computer Science and Its Applications #Computational Techniques in Civil Engineering #Control and Automation #Concrete Engineering #CAD/CAM/CIM #CAE #Database Theory and Application #Data Base Management System #Data Mining #Decision Making #Digital Signal Processing Theory #Distributed Sensor Networks #Distributed Computing #Mechanical Design #Evolutionary Computing and Intelligent Systems #Expert Approaches #Environmental Engineering #Fuzzy logics #Foundation Engineering #FEA #GPS and Location-Based Applications #Grid Networking/ Computing #GEOTECH Engineering #Highways #Human Computer Interaction (HCI) #Image Analysis and Processing #Information and Data Security #Internet Technologies, Infrastructure, Services & Applications #Nano Technology #Mobile Computing and Applications #Multimedia Communications #Network Modelling and Simulation #Network Performance, Protocols, Sensors #Networking Theory and Technologies #Open Models and Architectures #Pattern Recognition #Perception and Semantic Interpretation #Production #Real-Time Information Systems #Remote Sensing #Security Technology and Information Assurance #Soft Computing #Software Engineering & Its Applications #Signal Control System & Processing #Speech Interface, Speech processing #Structural Engineering #Thermal Engineering #Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing #Vision-Based Applications #VLSI Algorithms #Web Technologies #Textile Engineering #Recent on Mechanical Engineering and Technology #Fluid Mechanics #Applied Mathematics and Mechanics #Biomechanics #Heat Transfer #Solid Mechanics #Refrigeration and Air Conditioning #Renewable Energy Technology #Materials Engineering #Composite Materials #Marine Engineering #Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering #Textile Engineering #Industrial Engineering #Operational Research #Manufacturing Processes #Machine Design #Quality Control #Mechanical Maintenance #Tribology #CAD/CAM #Aeronautical Engineering #Production Engineering #Welding Technology #Robotics Engineering #Aerospace Engineering #Metallurgy #Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences #Solid and Structural Mechanics #Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics #Advance Civil Engineering and Technology #Assemblage and System #Behaviour of Structures #Behaviour of Structures under Seismic Loads #Building and Environmental Acoustics #Building Climate Systems #Building Energy #Civil and Environmental Engineering #Coastal Engineering #Composite Materials #Concrete Structures #Construction Economics #Construction Engineering #Design and Performance of Green Building #Design Optimization of Structures #Earthquake Engineering #Energy Efficient Building Technology #Energy Saving Building Materials #Evaluation of Building Envelope Systems under Structural and Environmental Loads #Evaluation of Glazing Systems for Energy Performance #Fire Engineering #Foundations Dynamics #Geotechnical Engineering #Health Monitoring and Life Prediction of Structures #High Performance Concrete #Hydraulic Engineering #Life Cycle Engineering #Materials and Durability #Materials Engineering #Mechanics and Materials Aspects of Advanced Construction Materials #Municipal or Urban Engineering #Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation #Numerical Modelling of Structures #Optimal Design of Structures #Properties and Mechanics of Concrete #Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Public Works #Seismic Evaluation of Building Nonstructural Components #Simulation Optimization and Risk Management #Soil-Structure Interaction #Structural Engineering #Structural Evaluation of Panelized and Masonry Wall Systems #Structural Reliability Analysis #Surveying 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