Communauté francophone Football Manager depuis 2006. Updates, R3MO, R1MO, TeamsPacksMO (TPMO), Star'Staff, Compétitions eSport, Guides, Graphismes...
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FMSLife est un forum français dédié à Football Manager. Il rassemble une grande quantité de stories et de récits de partie et de nombreux projets notamment tactiques et graphiques.
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Football Manager Online; The home of all Football Manager 2021 things like Football Manager Tips, tricks, wonderkids, guides & everything you'll need to get on.
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Homepage di Giangioman, amministratore e beta tester italiano di football manager
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PKFoot - Le blog de foot qui vous dit pourquoi sans savoir comment
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Forums - FMRo Forum - Football Manager Romania
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O FMAgents é o Laboratório dos Adeptos Portugueses do Football Manager. És fã do jogo? Junta-te a nós e torna-te um treinador de topo.
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Bringing you the passion for Football Manager 2022. Passion4FM - Your source to FM22 Wonderkids, tactics & Football Manager guides.
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Online Football Manager est un jeu de gestion footballistique en ligne, totalement gratuit. Endossez la tenue d’entraîneur et menez votre équipe à la victoire !
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אתר המנג'ר הישראלי - חדשות, הורדות, מדריכים, טיפים, קהילת פוטבול מנג'ר - Football Manager ומעל הכל - טלאי תרגום המשחק לעברית
FM Blog
FM22 Blog is the best site to download facepack, logo pack, wonderkids shortlist, tactics, and read game guides about Football Manager 2022. - Obsah
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FMSweden – Just One More Game
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Football Manager Stories
Football Manager 21 stories, tactics, guides and downloads, latest FM 21 news.
FM Scout - Football Manager Finest Community
Home of Football Manager tools (Genie Scout, FMSE, MacAssistant) and FM scouting. Your resource for Football Manager wonderkids, tactics, guides and graphics.
FM Base
FM Base is your number one resource for Football Manager downloads, tactics testing, face packs, kit packs, logo packs & data transfer updates. We have a...
Sports Interactive Games
Sports Interactive are the world’s leading developer of football management simulations through its Football Manager series of games.
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Convey - Repost popular tweets into your timeline to gain more followers and engagement
Football Manager Screenshots - Football Manager free image hosting
A free image hosting service for Football Manager content, powered by FM Scout.
Dictate The Game - Home of Football Manager content
Dictate The Game. Your home for Football Manager content, including downloads, tactics, guides, stories and more.
Club Manager - Online Soccer Manager Game
You will be tasked with managing your own football club in Club Manager. You’ll start with a simple team and play matches with the aim of growing your club, and leading it to the pinnacles of glory.
FM Religion - Football Manager Religion Community
Benvenuti su FM Religion, la casa italiana di Football Manager. Qui troverai tutte le risorse per Football Manager: wonderkids, tattiche, guide e grafica.
Accueil - Ultimo Diez
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Home - The Higher Tempo Press
Just Football Manager. More Football Manager. The best source of top quality articles ranging from stories, guides and the odd podcast. We are the community
La Bande à Bonal - Le FCSM côté jeu, stats, notes, illustration
Le FCSM côté jeu, stats, notes, illustration
FM Betyárok | Football Manager és sok más
Kiegészítők Elkészült a 100%-os magyarítás FM21-hez! orimark - 2021-04-14 0 A rengeteg támogatásnak illetve a fordítóink áldozatos munkájának köszönhetően ha lassan is, de elkészült az FM21 teljes magyarítása is! Ezúton is köszönjük mindenkinek a támogatást,... Tovább FM21 A legfontosabb játékos tulajdonság! eaglefm - 2021-02-27 0 Kiváncsi vagy miért nem játszik...
Blognya FMLovers | 1st Football Manager Blog from Indonesia.
1st Football Manager Blog from Indonesia.