The City of Newark has long been recognized as a diverse, inclusive community. Its residents, businesses and government are focused on caring for others, communicating openly, continually learning, and cultivating innovation. We want all who work, live and visit to feel welcome and valued. The various cultures, beliefs and traditions of our neighbors and visitors are among the greatest qualities Newark has to offer, ensuring it has and will continue to be a welcoming city for all who come here.
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language: en
Response Time: 1.372547
SSL: Enable
Status: up
Code To Txt Ratio
Word Count 968
ratio 10.723798770743
SSL Details
SSL Issuer:
Issuer: Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2
Valid From: 2022-04-24 13:58:45
Expiration Date: 2023-05-26 13:58:45
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Signature dfe387f594e3c37fe580d7f2ac161c0c8e203724
Algorithm: RSA-SHA256