Hello, I'm Pierre I'm a backend web developer living in New York City. I specialize in modern web techologies with a special enthusiasm for Scala and Ruby on Rails. See my resume Tech Blog Running blog Redis in Ruby
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Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries. Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction,...
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries. Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions...
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Pyro - Python Remote Objects - 4.82 — Pyro 4.82 documentation
Intro and Example About Pyro: feature overview What can you use Pyro for? Simple Example Performance Installing Pyro Pyro5 Compatibility Obtaining and installing Pyro Third party libraries that Pyro4 uses Stuff you get extra in the source distribution archive and not with packaged versions Tutorial Warm-up Pyro concepts and tools...
Redis hosting by RedisGreen
Toggle navigation RedisGreen RedisMonitor RedisGreen RedisMonitor Pricing Docs Changelog Status Sign In Production-Quality Redis™ Hosting With 24/7 Monitoring and Professional Support. Build a server now → No credit card required! Proven Technology Seamless Scaling RedisGreen scales and upgrades to new versions without disrupting your users. Dedicated Servers Production...
Welcome to redis-py’s documentation! — redis-py dev documentation
Welcome to redis-py’s documentation!¶ Getting Started¶ redis-py requires a running Redis server, and Python 3.7+. See the Redis quickstart for Redis installation instructions. redis-py can be installed using pip via pip install redis. Quickly connecting to redis¶ There are two quick ways to connect to Redis. Assuming you run Redis...
Introduction to Library Systems
About Topics Focused Topics in Redis Introduction to Redis Semantic Server Docker Environment Agile Software Development BIBFRAME - Bibliographic Framework Model Development and Operations (DevOps) Dynamic Programming Languages The Economics of Library Technology Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) Future Scenarios for Libraries and Library Systems GIT Distributed Source Version...
Ryan Alyn Porter
An example of using Vagrant’s vagrant-aws plugin to launch an FTP server on EC2 using vsftp. When I was building Vault, the data warehouse for …
Ghosind | Focus on Computer Science, Mathematics, and Electrics
Focus on Computer Science, Mathematics, and Electrics
RedisInsight | The Best Redis GUI
RedisInsight provides an intuitive and efficient graphical interface for Redis, allowing you to interact with your databases and manage your data.
Welcome to redis-py’s documentation! — redis-py dev documentation
Welcome to redis-py’s documentation! Getting Started redis-py requires a running Redis server, and Python 3.7+. See the Redis quickstart for Redis installation instructions. redis-py can be installed using pip via pip install redis. Quickly connecting to redis There are two quick ways to connect to Redis. Assuming you run Redis...
Redis – 教程 – 代码如诗 一样可以点缀这个世界
Redis Fans 2015 年 7 月 9 日 2015 年 7 月 9 日 Redis应用及优化 获取Redis所有Key / 删除指定前缀的Key 获取Redis所有Key的方法: 1. 终端 获取所有Key命令:redis-cli keys &# … Read more "获取Redis所有Key / 删除指定前缀的Key" 6 个评论 Redis Fans 2014 年 4 月 21 日 2014 年 4 月 21 日 Redis命令 Redis设置Key的过期时间 – EXPIRE命令...
Build elastic data access Lettuce is a scalable Redis client for building non-blocking Reactive applications Lettuce Lettuce is a fully non-blocking Redis client built with netty providing Reactive, Asynchronous and Synchronous Data Access . Java 8 types Lettuce provides asynchronous API with RedisFuture (CompletionStage) and Reactive types Flux [N] and...
Introduction to Library Systems
About Topics Focused Topics in Redis Introduction to Redis Semantic Server Docker Environment Agile Software Development BIBFRAME - Bibliographic Framework Model Development and Operations (DevOps) Dynamic Programming Languages The Economics of Library Technology Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) Future Scenarios for Libraries and Library Systems GIT Distributed Source Version...
Redis Documentation (Japanese Translation) — Redis Documentation (Japanese Translation)
Programming with Redis リクエスト/レスポンス プロトコルと RTT Pub/Sub メモリ最適化 Redis を LRU キャッシュとして使う トランザクション 大量データのインサート Partitioning Redis による分散ロック キー・スペース通知 Tutorials & FAQ 入門 : Redis のデータ構造と概念 Tutorial: Design and implementation of a simple Twitter clone using PHP and the Redis key-value store Data types FAQ Administration Redis の設定 レプリケーション Redis の永続化...
Fedora People
Name Last modified Size Description aaa-sssd/ 2014-10-18 14:38 - doc/ 2018-11-09 20:31 - federated_mapping/ 2014-07-22 21:00 - images/ 2016-07-01 20:42 - ipa-devel/ 2015-12-22 17:14 - log_manager_doc/ 2011-12-01 14:36 - lwatch/ 2009-08-28 18:15 - mellon/ 2017-10-06 14:41 - package_review/ 2016-06-08 15:41 - ...
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Redis 命令参考 — Redis 命令参考
Redis 命令参考¶ 本文档是 Redis Command Reference 和 Redis Documentation 的中文翻译版, 阅读这个文档可以帮助你了解 Redis 命令的具体使用方法, 并学会如何使用 Redis 的事务、持久化、复制、Sentinel、集群等功能。 Note 由本文档译者黄健宏创作的《Redis使用手册》正在热卖中,欢迎选购:RedisGuide.com 。 字符串 SET SETNX SETEX PSETEX GET GETSET STRLEN APPEND SETRANGE GETRANGE INCR INCRBY INCRBYFLOAT DECR DECRBY MSET MSETNX MGET 哈希表 HSET HSETNX HGET HEXISTS HDEL HLEN HSTRLEN HINCRBY HINCRBYFLOAT HMSET HMGET...
Ashok Tankala Portfolio
Projects Course Finder Building team to improve the existing application to support the growth(30x) we expect in the next 5 years. Planning and implementing the technology and product roadmap, interfacing with the customers and business team and reporting to the CEO. Course Finder is an EdTech platform that enables KC...