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Aurora | 5e Character Builder
A character builder that lets you create and manage characters for your Dungeons & Dragons 5e games.
Tetracube's stuff
Content Reference Character Generator Magic Item Generator Statblock Generator
Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder RPG Resources - ADnD Downloads
ADnD Downloads offers totally free resources for the Dungeons and Dragons game: D&D 5th Edition, D&D 4th Edition, D&D 3rd Edition, D&D 3.5 Edition, and AD&D 2nd Edition, as well as Paizo's Pathfinder RPG game. We have tons of new classes, character sheets, adventures, spells, feats, equipment, and more!
RPG Tinker - D&D 5e NPC Generator
RPG Tinker is a tool for building NPCs for D&D 5e. Here you can choose a template, abilities scores, and hitdices. With that we generate an NPC ready to use in battle! You can even print/pdf it! The tool is under construction and receiving new features each day. It probably has some (or many) errors in it. Help improving it by giving your feedback!
The Pathology Guy
Pathology Topics size> Perspectives on Disease Cell Injury and Death Accumulations and Deposits Inflammation Fluids Genes What is Cancer? Cancer: Causes and Effects Immune Injury Autoimmunity Other Immune HIV infections Infancy and Childhood Aging Infections Nutrition Environmental Lung Disease Violence, Accidents, Poisoning Heart Vessels Respiratory Red Cells White Cells Coagulation...
Save vs. Total Party Kill - Home
Home | About | Archive | Awards | Characters | Masters of Carcosa | Mothership | D&D Web Apps | Grab Bag The Ramanan Sivaranjan Awards for Excellence in Gaming 2022 by Ramanan Sivaranjan on August 05, 2022 Tagged: awards osr pbta The Ennies are today? Well, this year has...
Turn Watcher™ | Turn Watcher | Best Initiative Tracker
Turn Watcher is a unique Game Master Initiative Tracker for Dungeons & Dragons, Star War and any other d20 game.
PCGen – A d20 RPG Character Creator
PCGen RPG Character Generator PCGen helps you build characters for role-playing games like Pathfinder and D&D. It's like a character sheet that handles all the tricky and tedious parts of building characters. You can use it to build one character for yourself, or to keep track of a dozen NPCs...
Hello! My name is JP and I'm a variety streamer and show producer / host! I go live every day at 1PM Eastern! Want offline content? Check out @DroppedFrames, #ThePreshow, and @WhiskeySweet on /
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Google Cloud Platform
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WASD20 - Tabletop Role Playing Games, PC Games, and more
2 Where do I start!? (Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden) Posted on October 21, 2020 by Nate These quest notes are meant to accompany the video below, and will help you decide which quests are best for the flow of your campaign. Happy gaming! Starting Quests Cold-Hearted Killer The...
Tools, D&D, articles, useful bits -
Tools, articles, useful bits. Tools and mods for games and D&D as well as free downloads and code.
Tetracube's stuff
Content Reference Character Generator Magic Item Generator Statblock Generator
Chaotic Shiny - Writing and RPG-Related Generators
Chaotic Shiny is a generator site aimed at people who write, game, or live in fantasy worlds of their own creation. Grappling with writer's block? Need a character on the fly? Party just walked into a tavern and you want it to be a little more exciting than normal? Want...
Dungeons & Dragons 5e Character Generators - Dungeon Master’s Vault
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (D&D 5e) character builder/generator and digital character sheet far beyond any other in the multiverse.
A collection of nerds exploring hobbies, trades, and crafts of the nerd community. With articles, streams, and links to resources for your nerdy needs.
Crimson Shade
Proof that software developers "Can't design their way out of a paper bag" [October 1 2007] The Message Board has been removed. I am handling other projects these days. [May 15 2007] From perl to PHP, my d20 Stats Roller [December 14 2006] By much popular demand, I have (finally)...
Under Construction
Birched's NPC Generator at
An SRD-based smart Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 NPC Generator that includes equipment.
Aurora | 5e Character Builder
A character builder that lets you create and manage characters for your Dungeons & Dragons 5e games. - Ken Walter's Art Portfolio
Portfolio website for Ken Walter, 3D Artist
D&D 5E Character Sheet Editable, Printable, Fillable PDF - D&D 5e Character Sheets
D&D is one of the trending games in all RPG’s. Here we have come with some useful pdf files which are relating to the dungeons and dragons 5th edition RPG game that is called D&D 5e character sheets. D&D itself says dungeons and dragons. In this game, you have the...
This site is under development
HeroMachine Character Portrait Creator | Create your own super-hero, sci-fi, or fantasy character sketch
← Older posts How to Use HeroMachine Locally Posted on January 13, 2021 by AFDStudios | 39 comments Hi all, with big thanks to HeroMachiner Eric Bowling, here's how you can use HeroMachine outside of your browser. Adobe has said they're going to be force uninstalling the Flash Player (the...
Myth-Weavers - Powered by vBulletin
Myth-Weavers is an online community that focuses on play by post gaming. Enjoy quality roleplaying in a wide variety of systems, including Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder/Starfinder, Fate, World of Darkness, Powered by the Apocalypse, Mutants and Masterminds, Shadowrun, Stars/World Without Number, Savage Worlds, 7th Sea, Call of Cthulhu, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying, and many more!
AideDD » Donjons & Dragons - D&D 5e
Le jeu de rôle Dungeons & Dragons 5 dans les Royaumes Oubliés et Laelith. Basic Rules, Règles, Aides de jeu, Univers, Character Builder, Virtual Table, Forum.
Handy VR Company/Project Naming Quick-Start
aardvrk aardvrks abreuvr absolvr absolvrs acetovratrone achievr achievrs adenovral adenovrus adenovruses advrb advrb's advrbial advrbiality advrbialize advrbially advrbiation advrbless advrbs advrsa advrsant advrsaria advrsarial advrsaries advrsariness advrsarious advrsary advrsary's advrsative advrsatively advrse advrsed advrsely advrseness advrsifoliate advrsifolious advrsing advrsion advrsities advrsity advrsive advrsus advrt advrted advrtence advrtency advrtent advrtently advrting...
Enhance your gaming with our handy wizards and generators - genr8rs
Save time programming with Generators that convert between data and time formats, generate server configuration files, monitor and debug network issues and encode and decode data.
RanGen | Random Character Generators and Writing Prompts
Scraping off the rust; latest updates Posted on 1st June 2022, 12:30 pm Hey guys! How’s it going? I’m not dead! It’s been a while since I checked in, so it’s time for me to scrape off the rust and get back in. I was going to update LAST month...
Monster Advancer 3.5 - Monster, NPC, and random encounter generator for D&D 3.5
Clever Orc Games has arrived! (7/22/2018) After a long hiatus I have begun the process of modernizing Monster Advancer and making it easier to give you all the awesome tools I created over the years. Monster Advancer isn't going anywhere but the landing page for all new works and newer...
Welcome! [Dizzy Dragon Games]
Welcome! You've had the dubious misfortune of falling down a pit trap and finding yourself lost in a dark and twisty labyrinth. If you have any suggestions, criticisms, death-threats, or whatever, then Please Contact Me. The Projects! Deconstructing B/X D&D (inactive for the moment) - A statistical deconstruction of B/X...
Coolest DND Dice on the Planet | The Greatest Adventures Start Here! – Awesome Dice
AwesomeDice carries 590+ awesome dice sets, single dice, dice bags, and other items for the discerning tabletop RPG player. Our fast, low-cost shipping and no-hassle return policy make us one of the most popular purveyors of DND dice on the planet.
Sign Up Log In VISUAL CHARACTER SHEET APP Bring your characters to life in pixel art Reroll is a digital character sheet app for D&D 5th Edition that allows you to create and customize your characters in pixel art. GET STARTED ON WEB PROUDLY FUNDED BY 18,768 BACKERS ON FEATURED...
kastark - design for real people
Front End, UX, and Game Designer from Oxford, UK. Articles and thoughts on User Experience, Games, and Game Design.
The Monsters Know What They’re Doing - Ready-to-Use Tactics for D&D 5E
Ready-to-Use Tactics for D&D 5E
D&D Compendium
D&D Compendium now has a Discord server! Join the Discord D&D Compendium Home About the Site Sitemap Resource Collections Play Online Getting Started Online Virtual Tabletops Character Tokens Digital Character Sheets DM Resources Learn To DM Accents & Language Accessibility & Inclusion Adventure Guides Curse of Strahd Descent into Avernus...
Character Generator
Generate rich characters using keywords or fetch some at random.
Redirecting to DnD subpage...
Dungeon Master Assistance | A place to share thoughts and ideas about Dungeons and Dragons
A place to share thoughts and ideas about Dungeons and Dragons
Monsters - 5e SRD
Awakened Shrub CR 0 10 Add Awakened Shrub to Favourites Baboon CR 0 10 Add Baboon to Favourites Badger CR 0 10 Add Badger to Favourites Bat CR 0 10 Add Bat to Favourites Cat CR 0 10 Add Cat to Favourites Commoner CR 0 10 Add Commoner to Favourites...
Chartopia - RPG Random Tables & Generators for Endless Storytelling
L Last Names added by chad30 5 Roll R Random NPC Thought / Conversations - Mundane, Bad, & Peasant Complaints Combined thoughts and conversations (a massive list) added by chad30 21 Roll R Random NPC Thoughts / Conversation - Bad Things 9 Roll R Random NPC Thought / Conversation...
The Weird Warehouse - lo strano magazzino dei giochi ruolo
Il sito in cui possono frugare tutti gli appassionati di giochi ruolo. News, materiale scaricabile, avventure, manuali e anche un'officina delle nuove idee.
A D&D 5e Online Tool | Adventurer's Codex
Responsive Sleek and responsive with no downloads required. Works on all modern browsers. Optimized for laptops and tablets! Access your characters and games from any device. Easy to use. Free to use! Simply click Start Playing to create your account and begin your adventure. Enjoy auto-completed spells, weapons, armors, and...
Master The Dungeon - Advice for Dungeon Masters
New to running D&D and don't know where to start? We can help! Created by Dungeon Masters for Dungeon Masters. Blog, Advice, Resources, Campaigns and more!
Dyslexic Character Sheets
How are these different from the ones I already have? The standard character sheets for both D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder try to cover all different classes and all possible characters with the same design, meaning a lot of space is wasted while important details get overlooked. These sheets are different...
Letter A – D&D creature list with letter A AARAKOCRA – 5e stats AARAKOCRA SHAMAN – 5e stats AASIMAR, FALLEN AASIMAR, PROTECTOR AASIMAR, SCOURGE ABALLIN – 5e stats ABBOT FLUMPH – 5e stats ABERRATIONS – Alien minds and horrors of the depths ABOLETH – 5e stats ABOMINABLE YETI – 5e...
A suite of browser-based tools for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons players and Dungeon Masters.