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We have seen action games, adventure games and other sorts of games but have you seen a game that teaches you what happens in the fashion world. Though there are dozens of application that teach alphabets, numbers and other stuff MovieStarPlanet is a game that allows you to learn things about fashion.

In this application, you have to perform any tasks related to fashion. This exciting and colorful game gives you knowledge about dresses and fashion accessories.

Now, talking about what features this game provides you.

You can create your doll with any posture you want.

On those created dolls and dummies you can try any designs and can even customize preexisting one.

In this game, specifically you will get a virtual room, or we can make your studio where you can place the boonies and dummies.

You have the liberty to share your design with your friends, and if you don’t have much, then you can create some using chat rooms.

Initially, if you feel like a noob, then you can even watch someone’s designs and dolls.

MovieStarPlanet is the only game that offers such unique and special features. In this game, you can climb the scoreboard by creating exciting styles and can get the stardom overnight.

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  • action adventure game
  • action game
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The Legend of Zelda

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  • action adventure game
  • action game
  • battle-game
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  • Nintendo

Zelda is an ancient video game, its an action adventure based game specially designed for teenagers and youngsters. Zelda was firstly launched in 1986, to date, Zelda has total 19 series mainly for Nintendo's game consoles. This game is created by Ja...


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