On February 24, 2017, WhatsApp launched a new feature called WhatsApp status. With this feature, you can share text, photos, videos, animated gifs that will disappear after 24 hours. The status that you have shared will be visible to everyone in your contact list and you can also customize contacts for showing your status only some peoples. Users can share a video up to 30 seconds on WhatsApp.
Whatsapp status is a very good feature loved by almost every WhatsApp user. Whatsapp has more than 1.5 billion users worldwide and everyone shares their life moments and moods on the WhatsApp status. Nowadays, Bollywood songs, lyrical videos, funny videos are very popular on WhatsApp status. Many WhatsApp users love to share video songs, funny videos, lyrical videos on their WhatsApp status. So here we have collected some best WhatsApp status videos that you can download and use for sharing on your WhatsApp status. You can also share these videos on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and other social media sites. Now scroll down and find the best WhatsApp videos status for sharing it on your status.
How To Download Whatsapp Status Videos
Many times after watching others status on WhatsApp you also want to share that on your WhatsApp status and for that, you start finding that status video on the internet and many times you ask your friend for sending that video. After this article, you never need to ask anyone for sending their status because in this article I will also tell you that how can you easily download WhatsApp status videos without any app. Downloading WhatsApp status videos is so simple just follow below steps.
- First of all, open your WhatsApp and view all that status that you want to download.
- Now open your file manager and enable “Show Hidden File”.
- Now go in the Whatsapp folder and now in Media, and after that in .Statues. It will be like this Internal storage > WhatsApp > Media > .Statuses
- Now in .Statues folder your all WhatsApp status are available.
- For saving these status videos/Photos forever copy them in a different folder.
It’s done now you can access that all WhatsApp status anytime that you have saved.
Best Whatsapp Status Videos to Use
Lyrics Whatsapp Status Videos
WhatsApp Status Videos Tamil
Whatsapp Status Videos Malayalam
Telugu WhatsApp Status Videos
So above are some best WhatsApp status videos. You can use these WhatsApp status videos on WhatsApp and anywhere by downloading them in your gallery. We will update these WhatsApp status videos when we found some good videos. If you are not satisfied with the above WhatsApp status videos then please comment us for adding more videos in our list.