Gaming World is always seen at the good pace. A statistics release in late 2016 tells, no matter what is the age of the person. 92 out of 100 are crazy behind gaming. The counting has included the interest of people with disabilities too. There are enormous people around the globe who are passionate about gaming but due to disabilities, they step behind. Microsoft has announced the solution, Microsoft’s new Controllers for players with disabilities- Xbox AdaptiveController.
The new Xbox adaptive controller will let the people with disabilities play/take part enthusiastically in the gaming world. The device will consist of two large programmable buttons with 19 jacks which will further assist with different joysticks, switches, and buttons. The overall setup is designed so beautifully considering all the disabilities which are normally present. The overall setup will make is easier for the folks with disabilities to play games on both the panels- Xbox and Windows 10.
Navin Kumar, the director of product marketing at Xbox has mentioned about the device that “there are also USB ports on either side of the unit that map to the left and right analog sticks. The device is manufactured by PDP, a joystick commonly used for flight simulators and a 3dRudder foot controller as plug-and-play options that are compatible with the Adaptive Controller.” as stated in Polygon.
The price of the controller will be around $99.99 and it will go on sale at Microsofts’s store, maybe later this year or beginning of next year. They have focused the price lesses then ever, just considering the individual for which it is required. Low Price will be undertaken by charities like AbleGamers which quite often promote gaming among the people with disabilities.
Kaufman further mentioned that “This is going to actually help us give out a lot more controllers to more gamers,” Up till now, AbleGamers has to rely on expensive, “kind of hacked-together” accessibility solutions which is no where indicated.
“Everyone should be able to play games” just with this we will soon going to see a kickass device for those who love gaming but was devices to keep them engaged. Gaming Community is all oneness after all.