- Website
Simulation games allow a computer-generated graphics for a real-life system. Real-life simulation contains many aspects that make it highly popular. Habbo is an online community which allows character design and virtual world. It was started in the year 2000 and was known as Habbo Hotel. Most of the active users of the site are teenagers. Habbo allows the users to customize their own character and also design hotel rooms. A large number of players can play in this virtual world. You can also interact with other online players via chat.
To get more friends you can organize parties, adopt a pet and also play games with friends. This site allows you to create games and find new friends. Some of the main features is Hotel and it consists of various other factors. The hotel can be accessed by users from the website. When you enter a hotel, you get a screen from which you can navigate and browse the hotel rooms. Here you can also buy items for the personal collection. The Habbo Stories widget allows you to read stories made by other users.
Overall this is a great game with a unique concept to simulate virtual life. You can spend hours on this without getting bored.