While you are saving your game, you often find some errors, popped up on your screen. It is really irritating, since you have made a great progress in that session of your game. There is nothing to feel bogged down. Here you will get a perfect solution to such errors. The error that you usually find on such occasions shows you sims 3 error code 12. Before going to know how the error code 12 sims it can be resolved, you must know what is the reason of errors like the sims 3 error code 12and how to avoid getting that. This article will show you all the things. Just go through the understanding and use it in your game.
Reason of the Sim3 error Code 12
Every time you save a game, a file is saved in the program files of the game, where a space is allocated for it. You will get the error message, when you are having less memory than is needed to save the game. Generally, this is due to the load that you have imposed on the RAM of the device, which finally gives you the intimation of error code 12.
Avoid the error
You know by now that it is due to RAM space that you face the error. So, there is ample way to get rid of the error message, since sims 3 error code 12 fix is really easy and can be done by anyone. The first one is to keep your RAM free, so that the file size fits into it. To understand the space requirement, go to the program files and find the previously saved game versions. To effectively the sims 3 error code 12 fix, you can also save the game during night. This will allow you to allocate better space, due to sleeping sims. Try to avoid running other applications, while playing the game. This will keep your RAM free of any load.
Fix the sims 3 error code 12
The error, sims 3 error 12 occurs at such a time, while you cannot restart your device. This will delete all the progress that you have made in the game session. You can unload some of the applications that are already loaded on RAM to get rid of the situation. In most of the cases, when you intend to save the game, it is saved with the old name, thus adds the caches that the system is already having. Get rid of that, by simply saving the file with a new name. This will resolve the sims 3 save error code 12 and you will see that the error message, sims 3 save error 12 is not shown during this time.
These are the simple styles that you can adopt, while saving your game. This will keep you safe from the sims error code 12 and your game will be saved easily. Make your friends also read this guidelines, so that they also are aided with that. From now onwards, you will never have to face the error, error 12 sims 3 and restart your device. Enjoy playing more games.