Fix iPhone Stuck in Headphone Mode Problem

If you facing any problem like that your iPhone stuck in Headphones mode then read this below article to find out that How to fix this iPhone stuck on headphone mode problem. This problem generally occur with iPhone 4, 4s, 5 but not seen with 6 or 6s.

iPhone Stuck in Headphone Mode

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iPhone stuck in headphone mode problem prevents the user from hearing the sound. Most of the users are facing this error regularly and getting frustrated from it. In that problem, iPhone acts like headphones are plugged in.

So, here I am going to show you that how to fix this error iPhone stuck in headphone mode problem from your iPhone device. Here are the Top 6 best ways to fix this iPhone error problem.

How to Fix iPhone Stuck in Headphone Mode

1. Update iOS

Update iOSUpdate your iOS to fix this error iPhone stuck in headphone mode problem easily.

  • Connect to WiFi network
  • Navigate to settings
  • Go to general settings
  • Click on the Software update
2. Start & stop playback

Start & stop playback

  • Put the iPhone into iPod mode with headphones in & start playback
  • Stop playback & exit iPod mode
  • Remove Headphones

That’s it, it will fix this error problem from your iPhone.

3. Restart your iPhone

Restart your iPhoneRestarting any phone is the best simple way to easily fix any error problem. So just first restart your iPhone to check that whether the problem will be fixed or not.

  • Press & hold the sleep/wake button
  • Click on ‘Turn off’
  • Now it will go turn off
  • That’s it
4. Clean the Headphone Jack

Clean your Headphones JackIf the problem appears with the water damage then clean your headphone jack first to check that whether the error problem is fixed or not.

5. Plug & Unplug your headphones many times

Plug & Unplug your headphones may timesPlugging and unplugging your headphones many times can also easily fix this error problem. By doing this easy steps, you may get rid out of this error problem from your iPhone.

6. Erase all contents and settings

Erase all contents and settingsOne of the best and the last option is to erase all the settings and the contents from your device and format it so that it will surely fix any error problem from the device.

  • Go to Settings
  • Go to General Settings
  • Search for Reset & Opens it
  • Click on Erase all contents & settings

That’s it, it will fix this error iPhone stuck in headphone mode problem.

These are the top best tips and tricks to fix iPhone stuck in headphone mode error problem. Hope this post will help you to get rid out of this error problem. If you are facing any error while fixing then comment down the problem below to fix it.

Hey all, I am Nishant. Basically, I am the Campus Ambassador of MTV India & also Student Brand Manager at Live Restless. Stay Connected for more Updates !! & also, Check out my Social Media accounts to get connected with me on there too.


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